Credit to my senior, SIMANJUNTAK Daniel Ardiles, our photographer ^_^
Here we go !!! see, almost no flower already !!!
Here is our team, including Daniel who is taking photo for us...
Eh, am i actually talking on the phone?
Don't confuse , don't confuse, i am not looking for a toilet ok?
Cool? of course it is not me who do this...m such an IT illiterate senior makes-also our photographer- this one for me

Since it is raining and i can't take come cherry blossom, so what i can do is going around taking pictures from my friends and some others blogs...hehe credit to the blog ownerd !!!

Night view...

Well, the real place is much more beautiful than regret missing this chance to see it...have to wait another year to see it...
Well, after i come back, i was wet...not because it was raining that day...but they were playing Throwing water ( in our school, but it is not the school game, it is only students who play ) for it was New Year time...ya ya, they just catch me and wooo wooo, chok ( wet ) haha...A bit blur, but look at my hair, can see i am wet right? haha
hehe.. flower again.. hahah.. just come from v v blog and she mentions about flower too.. aiya.. what's good about REAL flower huh? hahah.. anyway, forget to ask u about those 2 guys.. who are they? where are they from? how about that girl? have fun ne! :)
To davuth: Come on!! If there are not flowers, there won't be any fruite or honey either right? You can't smell the flower in the PC though... Yab!!!!
To oukie: Look like you are having fun. good good... I'm also having fun here ^^
I was trying to post a comment when I was in Tokyo but don't know why it's not here. Well, you look so cute now! like a korean girl hehe!! :)
hahaha, that's exactly ca vang beo in the frying-pan ^_^ hehe
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