Credit to my senior, SIMANJUNTAK Daniel Ardiles, our photographer ^_^
Look at him, am i that heavy man?
Sweet huh ???
If you dare mess up with me and my girl, die man !!!
See, this guy wanna have a try. See how hard i hit him? He almost die in my hand haha
You 2 prepare to die man haha !!!
still as childish as ever! haha
To visoth: tais-toi!!!!
To oukie: So cuteeeeeee... And I don't think you look like Cambodian at all girl. ^^
hehe... can't help not to laugh seeing those photos.. hahaha.. u get better with ur posture now.. hehe.. anyway, agree with v v that u dun look like cambodian now.. however, still dun really like the short skirt.. hehe.. though it doesn't look that bad.. :D
anyway, whose camera is that??? i love the light so much.. same goes to the blur blur background. hehe.. i bet it's not ur sony te.. :P cos sony sucks.. (in my opinion cos i also have a damn sony too).. hehe.. even at night, the picture is still nice.. :D
Oun neh ! Please look back the photo .. i wonder who nearly die ... hhehe ... but .. it seems that someone so joyful to be died ... hehehhe ...
you all betrayed me for a moment :(
and where is the credit for the photographer here? dont you know i still the copyright owner of these pics? i'll sue you for infringement of copyright later :)
Visoth: kindda agree ^_^ but well, it is fun and cute sometimes right?
Davy: thanks neh ^_^ but who do i look like then? haha...nah i am totally Cambodian tas
Davuth: Get better ? nah, my skill is always good ^_^ oops, just the short skirt, c'est à la mode neh...haha but i don't wear it that often neh...
ha, you are right, of course my Sony doesn't have this is my senior's, nikon d90 with 85mm f1.8 ^_^...thanks to him i got these beautiful pictures...
Anh Hien: yeah, i look at it again, i see someone is going to die in my hand neh ^_^
My dear senior: nah, your ability is distinguishable...though i don't tell who took the photos, no one will believe i do take it right? ^_^ so no law suit here, ok? hehe...
Hi Ouk Ouk... you look cute and nice dol hoey... Cheers...
^_^ thanks a touch... eh why make your blog to private a nis? rork ta meul ei ot keut te...
nikon?? no doubt.. :) nikon is my next target.. hehe...
I was posting one comment previous night, but then it became error. Don't know why. Well, you look so cute in those pics, sis!!! not that fat, but I Guess you've gained some weights huh... :D how's life there?
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