Hm, today we have Food Festival in our school. All seniors and juniors, we divide into 4 groups and cook. Ah, my group, we have 3 Cambodians, 4 Vietnamese, 1 Laotian, 1 Chinese. However, the group food is Cambodian ^_^ ... but seems not really Cambodian sos...cos the Cambodian ingredient is very hard to find we cook the general food ( mahoub tou tov, bet prolay kat hah )...

Ah ah, a lot of dumplings...not from my group te...from Chinese group
This is our group food...we have Sach Kor Chean, Bangkea Spei, and Trei Bomporng Teuk Trei Ampel Tom...yummy ^_^ ...

And today, we all have dinner together...

Food festival? No wonder there were so many food there! hehe... really nice. My sis sent over some pics too. Those pics 50% of them are FOOD hehe.. Korean is so good at eating hor!
well i guess so...but here, seem no korean food te, all mix ^_^ . . . well korean food, i think it looks very nice... ^_^ well cos m a pig, every food ==> good haha
Look so yumyum ^.^ I wish that my skul should also make such a thing. school is a small is easy to do so...but your school, thousands and's hard loz... don't worry, when i go there, you can have food festival with me, then we have dinner together under the candle light, wine, romantic darling ^_^ wait for me ! wait for me !
you look like a little girl in the last two photos! so cute!;)
oh really? hei you guys, Visoth says I am cute? can someone hit me abit? am i dreaming? haha...I am very honor sir ^_^ haha but outside look like an old grandma ^_^
eh, you look handsome as always neh ^_^
you are not dreaming!
(i'm regret now) hahahaha
ah, you should not regret or the one who stands near you will throw teuk trei on you pc min kharn :P vor vor sa uy dol my pc teat :d haha
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