We start by walking into the auditorium in row...one representative from each country go first and hold TLBU flag to put on the stage...and we follow...as we walk in, there is korean kids standing at the door giving us a rose, and then we hold her hand and walk together to the seat...
Then those representatives go on the stage and do the Sambot.
Then we have our school president, cambodian ambassador and some other prof. ' speech.
Here is our president.
Following by many programs and last is group photo.
We go for lunch. M so surprised...you know what the dish is? oh man, each has a whole checken and some other small dishes... here the food and my school cafeteria.
Normally, at that Chicken soup, we have a normal soup every meal, and the place 4 Chrong near to that soup place, we put rice hehe...this is everyday food here...and Kimchi appears in every meal except some breakfast time that we eat western food...
After finish the lunch, we took some photos with our Cambodian ambassador.
Some photos in school area...
Oh the two are my chinese roomates...
Oukie look so cute!!! Wanna give you a hug too ^__^
yeah, you look cuter and pretier... M!$$ U, :)thg
eh! m just trying to be frank. I think you look the same. Hehe.. seem that my sister is having a lot of fun over there. Is everything alright dear? how's ya class? Can't wait to hear from u again...
Thank neh chokie number 1 and chokie number 2...but you say like this, it means that before m ugly heuy hirk hirk...haha, actually davuth is right, m still the same or even worse, cos study u u tov become granny heuy neng hehe
Miss you all so much ! though seniors here are helpful and friends here are friendly, but i miss you all so much...tov rork na ban puok mark slap ruos cheng nus hehe
Rok ban tas oukie, at the " Carefour " lolz... It's the special prize promotion. ( just kidding.. haha...) I guess it's hard at the first, sooner you will get used to it. Eh, it's not kidding la, I didn't see you for 2 years, you look cutter. That not like before you are not cute, but now you are super cute... I guess i falled for you again...^__^
yeah, so cute!!! ah ouk looks so cool now...
haha thank everyone for flattering me... m not that cute te, just the picture only...outside one look so ugly...
Hey guys, bong vannak delivered her daughter last night!!! gonna see her daughter so soon!! :) cool..... i'm happy for her now..
how come? oh i can't believe, she told me that maybe it is this end month neh...ho God
eh, how ah? i dun believe te...it seems to fast neh!!!
hehehe faster than expected, faster than the due date.. according to her, it's 8 days before due date. But I think it's more than that lolz.. don't know leh... to be clearer, torl contact her haha... I've seen her daughter already.. so cute!! :) I last saw her when she was 3 days-old.
yo yo.. update ya blog la.. hehe... :D
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