Wednesday, July 16, 2008

10 July 2008, Prasat Pras Vihea, the world heritage

Prasat Pras Vihea is 1 among d million temples of Cambodia. It is now officially recognized by UNESCO as 1 of d world heritage ( 10 July 2008 ) .
Also, today i got my first own laptop hehe. . .i love it despite its size. . .it a bit too big n heavy. . .


gäãra-dě-sañd said...

told u told u... u ot believe me sos.. but, over is over.. you can't do anything beside to like it. hehe.. :)

Belle said...

told me told me ei, m not d one who bought te hirk hirk . . .it ma relative te. . .i told not to buy a na thom pék, who knws, it turns up with big big like that. . .15.4 hirk hirk. . .luckily it'z a dell cos my frd vaio is around 14 inch te but similar weight as mine dae :d

gäãra-dě-sañd said...

eh? really? isn't vaio supposed to be lighter than dell? yo yo.. finally you buy dell. yab man!! i'm planing to buy one too but not sure what to buy yet. How heavy is ur laptop? 15.4" is a bit too big for u heuy. Yab morng nak tov tegn. Ot ket my sister ey ma tech!! yab!!

Belle said...

hehe who know tov? maybe he didn't even know that he was buying for me loz cos another uncle of mine was calling him for that te...hehe whatever whatever, it is cheap so vea cheng aeng na but good capacity dae teu , ches ta troim troim tov na...haha that's who knows? maybe ppl overthere like a big big cheng tov hehe :D...

gäãra-dě-sañd said...

yab... y not take some photos and post in ya blog?? wanna know how it looks like. Eh, how much is it anyway?? what's the spec?

Belle said...

hm it is around 750$ or sth...
hehe don't know what eles...

gäãra-dě-sañd said...

oh... it doesn't sound bad.. quite powerful also.. :D